Court Roll: Supreme Court of Appeal (Bloemfontein) Support SAFLII

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Court Roll: Supreme Court of Appeal (Bloemfontein)

Database last updated: 22 November 2021
Most recent roll: 22 November 2021
Number of rolls: 19

Rolls for the years ...

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2021

This page lists the current Court Roll for the Supreme Court of Appeal of Uganda. Information on this page is provided for convenience and does not replace official notices or court lists provided at court locations. Our web page is regularly updated but there may be a delay in posting changes and the Southern African Legal Information Institute assumes no liability for any legal consequences arising out of the listing of inaccurate or outdated information on these pages. Court rolls are published as received from the courts. The Roll does not indicate matters that are finalised, struck off, postponed or withdrawn from the roll. The Court Roll is part of the public record and cannot be changed or amended on the website. Any queries regarding the finalisation of matters must be referred to the court in question.