
Amendments to Labour Legislation - Temporary Employees

By Jan Du Toit

As most employers are aware by now, the Department of Labour published proposed amendments to labour legislation and the introduction of the Public Employment Service Bill in December 2010. This undoubtedly resulted in some sleepless nights over the festive season for both Temporary Employment Services providers (also referred to as Labour Brokers) and their clients. The proposed amendments, if enacted, would effectively "ban" Labour Brokers and will have far reaching implications for employers whether they make use of temporary employees provided by a Labour Broker or not.

We recently published a press release by the Department of Labour highlighting some of the key areas of the proposed amendment bills. This document is however not comprehensive and we will therefore during the next couple of weeks discuss some interesting proposed amendments that must be carefully considered and commented on before the 17th of February.

The first proposed amendment to consider is the definition of an employer in the Labour Relations Act. An employer will be defined in section 213 of the Act as "any person, institution, organisation, or organ of state who employs or provides work to an employee or any other person and directly supervises, remunerates or tacitly or expressly undertakes to remunerate or reward such employee for services rendered". An employee will be defined as "any person employed by or working for an employer, who receives or is entitled to receive any remuneration, reward or benefit and works under the direction or supervision of an employer;"

From these definitions it is clear that any person or institution that provides work to another person and directly supervises such a person is considered to be the employer. The client of a Labour Broker would therefore be considered to be the employer and not the Labour Broker or a third party. Section 198 of the Labour Relations Act will be repealed meaning that Temporary Employment Service providers are not longer recognized in the Act. Clients of a Labour Broker would therefore not be able to rely on section 198 (2) of the Act stating that "a person whose services have been procured for or provided to a client by a temporary employment service is the employee of that temporary employment service, and the temporary employment service is that person's employer".

In addition to the above it is proposed that a new section be inserted in the Act stating that "an employee must be employed permanently, unless the employer can establish a justification for employment on a fixed term." Employing staff temporarily instead of using a Labour Broker will therefore also not be an option.

Those employers that will be able to justify the use of temporary staff as per section 200B of the proposed amendments will have to be extremely careful since section 186 (1) (b) will also be amended. It would be considered to be a dismissal if the employer failed to permanently appoint an employee engaged under a fixed term contract and such employee can prove that reasonable expectation of a permanent appointment was created.

Section 186 of the principal Act is amended by—

(a) the substitution in subsection (1) for paragraph (b) of the following paragraph:

(b) an employee engaged under a fixed term contract of employment reasonably expected the employer—

(i) to renew a fixed term contract of employment on the same or similar terms but the employer offered to renew it on less favourable terms, or did not renew it; or

(ii) to offer the employee an indefinite contract of employment on the same or similar terms but the employer offered it on less favourable terms, or did not offer it, where there was reasonable expectation;"

Another costly mistake would be to offer an employee engaged under a fixed term contract permanent employment on less favourable terms as what the employee was entitled to as a fixed term employee. Employers are advised to study the proposed amendments and to consider the impact it would have on their businesses if enacted.

For more information contact Jan du Toit [email protected]


What does POPI compliance mean?

By Jan du Toit


Latest developments – Registration of Information Officers:


On 17 May 2021 the Information Regulator’s long awaited online portal went live for the registration of Information and Deputy Information Officers.


The Information Officer of a Responsible Party is the person at the head of your company (CEO or MD) or any person acting in such capacity, or specifically appointed by the MD or CEO to be the Information Officer. Registration must be completed before the end for June 2021.


The address for the portal is  https://justice.gov.za/inforeg/portal.html   


The following information is required to successfully register: 

  • Company name.

  • Company registration number.

  • Company type.

  • Company physical and postal addresses.

  • Company telephone and fax numbers.

  • Information Officer gender, nationality, full name and surname, ID or passport number.

  • Deputy Information Officers same details as per above.


POPIA Compliance – what must be done?

With a little more than a month left before POPI becomes fully effective, many employers may find themselves out of time to become fully compliant to amongst other considerations, the 8 processing conditions prescribed in the Protection of Personal Information Act.


To be considered compliant the following must be considered and applied in the business of a Responsible Party before 1 July 2021. 

  1. POPI training / awareness sessions for the CEO / MD, managers and others tasked with the company’s POPI compliance project. Have a look on our website for the next POPIA training dates.

  2. Compliance audit to be conducted company-wide per department / division to determine the current processing practices within the organization and to establish what needs to be done to be compliant.

  3. Correction of contraventions as identified, and to introduce reasonable technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss or unauthorized access of Personal Information.

  4. Introduction of Data Subject rights and consent in the business through policies and consent clauses / paragraphs / contracts.

  5. The introduction of a PAIA manual (Promotion of Access to Information Act) that incorporates data subject rights and participation in terms of POPIA. This manual must be published on one of the company’s websites. It is also important to note that the current exemption granted by the Minister of Justice for some business to not have such a manual in place currently, expires at the end of June 2021.

  6. General staff POPI policy and legislation awareness training.

  7. Registration of the company’s Information Officer (the CEO, MD or any person acting in such position).

  8. Follow-up assessment on compliance measures and adherence thereto.


It is important to note that no institution, not even the Information Regulator, can “accredit” any Responsible Party in Uganda to be compliant in terms of legislation. Compliance (or otherwise) will only be determined should an investigation be launched by the Information Regulator following a complaint. Should such an investigation confirm a lack of compliance, consequences such an administrative fine not exceeding R10m may follow (which one may luckily pay off in instalments). Further to this those whose rights are infringed upon by a Responsible Party not adhering to the requirements of POPIA, may also institute civil proceedings. Such  proceedings may result in compensation being awarded for loss, as well as aggravated damages determined at the discretion of the court.


In terms of section 19 of the Act, the Responsible Party (business owner / employer) is required to introduce reasonable organizational and technical measures to secure the integrity and confidentiality of Personal Information. The organizational measures referred  to above includes inter alia both internal and external policies to introduce the principle of protection of personal information in the workplace, as well as the rights of data subjects.


To allow you more time to focus on your business, the author of this article compiled a bundle of detailed policies for your business, ready to use. This includes all relevant forms to be used and a template document with draft consent clauses / paragraphs / rules  to be incorporated into service and employment contracts, job applications, credit and other applications forms, WhatsApp and Facebook groups / pages, and Independent Contractor agreements.


Also included is an Operator Agreement as required in terms of section 21 of the Act and a consent letter for existing clients / service providers, to agree to the continued processing of their Personal Information beyond June 2021.


The policies bundle includes: 

  • Privacy notice template to be published on your website.

  • Personal information protection policy.

  • Personal information retention policy.

  • Data breach policy.

  • Data breach register - form.

  • Data breach report - form.

  • Data security policy.

  • Data subject access request policy and procedures.

  • Data subject access request forms.

  • Processing agreement with third parties as Operators - contract.

  • Data subject participation - draft consent paragraphs / clauses to be incorporated into service and employment contracts, job applications, credit and other applications forms, WhatsApp and Facebook groups / pages and Independent Contractor agreements

  • Guidelines on the appointment of deputy information officers, inclusive of appointment letter.


For only R3750 you can now order you set of POPI policies, ready to use. Contact Jan du Toit for further assistance at [email protected]









Courses and Workshops



Managing Poor Performance/ Incapacity

10 February 2022 (09:00 - 12:00)

Interactive Online Course

POPIA: Protection of Personal Information Act

11 February 2022 (09:00 - 12:00)

Interactive Online Course

Workplace Discipline and Dismissal

18 February 2022 (09:00 - 16:00)

Interactive Online Course

Employment Equity Committee Training

18 February 2022 (09:00 - 16:00)

Interactive Online Course

Management and Leadership Skills

23, 24 & 25 February 2022 (08:30 - 16:00)

Interactive Online Course

The OHS Act and the Responsibilities of Management

24 February 2022 (08:30 – 16:00)

Interactive Online Course

Basic Labour Relations

25 February 2022 (09:00 - 16:00)

Interactive Online Course

Strategic Human Resources Management (HRM) and - Business Partnering

02, 03 & 04 March 2022 (08:30 - 16:00)

Interactive Online Course

Health and Safety Representative and Committee Training Course

03 March 2022 (08:30 - 16:00)

Interactive Online Course

Workshop Chairing Disciplinary Hearings

10 & 11 March 2022 (09:00 - 16:00)

Interactive Online Course


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